" 2019 Gospel Song ""Pay Attention to the Fate of Mankind"" | The Salvation of God in the Last Days"

God urges the people of all ethnicities, all countries and even industries: Listen to God’s voice and see His work; pay attention to the fate of humanity; make God the most holy and honorable, the highest and only object for worshiping; allow the whole of humanity to live under the blessing of God, just as the descendants of Abraham lived under the promise of Jehovah, just as God’s creations Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. God’s work is like mightily surging waves; none can detain Him or halt His feet. Only by listening to His word and pursuing Him can His footsteps be followed and promise received. All others shall face total annihilation and receive their deserved punishment. God urges the people of all ethnicities, all countries and even industries: Listen to God’s voice and see His work; pay attention to the fate of humanity. Pay attention to the fate of all mankind. from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs Recommended:
Christian Worship Song 2018 "How to Know the Appearance and Work of Christ of the Last Days"
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